Sunday, November 16, 2008


Friday night I was at The Abbey having Salmon; a small piece for the money and the cabbage and bacon and potatoes and red bell peppers didn't help me feel any more cared for. However, our waiter was the most attractive man in the western hemisphere. Funny too. I'd asked him if they had any cake. "Oh, yeah; all our cakes are from Sweet Lady Jane!" I knew this was the case and had intended to explain this to my friend Dallas, a non-homosexual, because we'd been discussing just how amazing the detail was on each, while waiting at their display case to place our dinner order, only to find out that a waiter could take our order from our table.

"We've got the Three Berry, the carrot, a lemon, there's a whole variety of which I haven't named; which one can I get you?" Drolly I replied, "Oh I didn't want any, I just wanted to have that conversation with you." He squinted his eyes and sneered at me then looked at Dallas incredulously. "That's it, that's it; I'm not going to help him any more at all" he said before darting off into the ever thickening crowd. All the while we'd been drinking our respective Arnold Palmer and diet Coke and trying to explain to our Mexican bus-boy just what the half lemonade, half ice tea concoction required, with no understanding achieved. When the waiter returned he looked at Dallas, held up his menu to conceal his face and said "f*** him! I'm not talking to him." (This is the type of inappropriate waiter talk that quintuples my attraction to them.) Which was heartbreaking for me and hilarious at the same time. "No, don't do that I protested" already heartbroken that our relationship had been flung against the jagged slate and shale of the mountainous cliffs of misconstrued flirtatious banter.

Our bus-boy returned with an ice tea for me and then vanished. When he surfaced moments later I explained that it was an ice tea with lemonade that I'd been drinking. Our auburn goateed, chisel-lined-features waiter returned and we explained we'd given our drink refill order to the bus boy, but that he didn't seem to understand what we were asking for. "I don't know what language he speaks!" he said animatedly. "I get that all the time from him; I ask him to get something and he goes away, never to return. You may think he's gotten your drink order but he just disappears. Other customers have told me 'Oh, no, it's okay; we've placed our order with him" to which I explain "He's not going to get your order. They insist he's got them covered. So, I return in half an hour, when they still haven't gotten their order, and they concede; "Okay, we'll give you our drink order..." When the busboy returned with a glass have full of sliced lemons, filled with ice tea; I sent it back again and excused myself for the mens' room.

The video monitor over the unrinal invited me to Election Bight on 11/4. It was 11/14. When I looked to my left there was a giant poster inviting me to protest Prop 8 downtown the following morning 11/15. As I returned to my seat I heard a guest speaker inviting the crowd to protest for repealing Prop 8 and that luxery busses would be available in the morning to take us downtown to City Hall for the protest. As it was Friday I'd been up since 7:00 a.m. and was suddenly tired enough to miss my bed, which I returned to forthwith.

By 11:00 am on Saturday morning 11/16 I still hadn't gotten into my car to get to the protest. Once I did, I quickly discoverd it was 90 degrees and all the streets from 9th and Broadway east were completly congested; there was no getting to the protest. I'd intended to be home soon to mee with my business partner to work on putting my digital screenplay packaging preparation together... My neighbor Mike (the business partner) mentioned that 100,000 people were anticipated, I hope they made it. I did however place a homemade bumper sticker on my car "INVALID8" which I felt very good about.

The idea that the Mormons are behind this campaign is ironic because I've never seen a consistently larger number of gay sons than that of many Mormon families. Please. Let's stop this and face facts. God created homosexuality. It's not going away. Denying us our right to mary, an inalienable right listed in the constitution, is nothing short of abject discrimination. This just in; gay and lesbian citizens and couples are actually human beings.

